Research plan

What exactly should it contain?

Every major project starts with a good plan. This also applies to the research for your thesis or other papers. In a research plan, you describe, among other things, how you will design the research, why you are conducting this research and what your planning looks like. That's far from all you should mention. What else should be included in a research plan? How do you draw up a good plan?

Why a research plan?

In your research plan, you describe the entire plan for the research that you are going to carry out. You write this plan before you start your thesis. You describe what you are going to research, why you are researching this, how you are doing the research and what your planning looks like. Once you have received approval for this plan, you can get started.

In this plan, for example, you describe your research design and research approach. Which research method do you use, who are your participants, and how do you ensure a good sample? In your research plan, you do more than simply describe your method.

You use such a research plan to ensure that your research method and type of data analysis are in line with the goals of your research. Your thesis supervisor will review this before you get started so that you can be sure that your research is well structured.


What should be included in a research plan?

You will often receive conditions from your study program that your research plan must meet. Always use these as a starting point for your research plan.

To help you on your way, below you will find a list of the important elements that you often see in a research plan:

  • your research question;
  • the purpose of your research;
  • the research design (qualitative/quantitative);
  • your chosen research method;
  • a description of your population and how you determine the sample;
  • the method of data collection (surveys, observations, experiments, etc.);
  • operationalization of the variables to make them measurable (for example using existing questionnaires or your own questionnaire);
  • a justification of the steps taken to increase reliability and validity;
  • the method of data analysis you use (statistical analysis, discourse analysis, etc.).

Depending on the requirements of your study programme, you may not need to cover all of these points for your thesis. So, make sure to ask your supervisor what should be included in your research plan.

Example of a research plan

Can't quite figure it out? Your thesis supervisor may have an example of a research plan. Unfortunately, no extensive examples can be found online since a research plan can look different for every study programme. But, getting an example from your supervisor may help you on your way.

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